
June 08, 2016 0 Comments A+ a-

Assalaamalaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh

to my Bog!
Umm Durr (Mother of Pearls) is a kunya (nickname) I chose for this blog. It is general and refers to being a mother of precious souls. I am a Muslimah and love expressing some of my thoughts into writing. I plan on sharing whatever I believe to be beneficial and feel the need to write about. I may sometimes share some Islamic knowledge that I learn, homemade recipes, children, books, etc. I would be happy if you comment and share your opinions or start a discussion on related topics. Please, just be kind and respectful even when you disagree. 
If you would like to contact me (girls only please), feel free to do so by going to the contact form below. I won't take long to get back to you in shaa Allah!

My Interests:
*I love Islam, children, languages, and learning new things. I am an African  woman in the West who speaks three languages (ߒߞߏ/Nko/Mandenka, French, English), and currently learning a fourth language (Arabic). I can read and write in Arabic, but I need practice speaking it. May Allah make it easy for me. Ameen.*